Some of our partners and clients:
n Ship repairs and dry docking: we are working in close cooperation as brokers and subcontractors of:
- “BULYARD Shipbuilding Industry”, Varna (ex Varna shipyard)
- “MTG DOLPHIN” Shiprepair and Shipbuilding, Varna
- “ODESSOS Shiprepair Yard S.A”, Varna
We are able to undertake all kind of afloat ship repairs and dry docking of vessels up to LOA 240 M, B 38 M, DWT 100,000
n New building construction and repairs projects
- VIKTOR LENAC SHIPYARD, Rijeka-Croatia (mechanical and pipe work, repairs)
- BRODOGRADEVNA INDUSTRIJA d.d. Split-Criatia (steel work, new construction)
- DAMEN SHIPYARDS, Galati-Romania (steel and pipe work new construction)
- DAMEN SHIPYARDS, Mangalia-Romania (mechanical works)
- VARD PIPING A/S, VARD Tulcea-Romania (pipe work new construction), NB-850, 851, 871, 906
- VARD PIPING A/S, VARD Braila (pipe and steel work), Brevik project NB-831 Iceland Victory
- VARD BREVIK, project NB-831 Iceland Victory
- BULYARD SI, port of Varna-Bulgaria – work for refurbish of OSV vessel, Cecon Excellence, flag Canada (various jobs / pipe – steel – electrical – mechanical)
- TEREM-SHIPYARD FLOTSKI ARSENAL, port of Varna-Bulgaria – mechanical, pipe, electrical work
- MTG DOLPHIN SHIPYARD, port of Varna-Bulgaria – steel, mechanical, pipe work
- ODESSOS SHIPREPAIR YARD, port of Varna-Bulgaria – mechanical, pipe work
- GARBA INDUSTRIAL INC. Tampa-Florida/US (electrical work, refurbish and new installations)
- SNEF S.A.R.L., France - electrical cables pulling, new construction at STX, Saint Nazare France
- CHANTIERS PIRIOU S.A.R.L., France - steel work new construction, Concarneau-France
- CHOUTEAU ATLANTIQUE S.A.R.L., France - steel work new construction, Saint Nazare-France
- CONSTRUCTIONS MECANIQUES DE NORMANDIE S.A.R.L., France - steel work new construction, Cherbourg-France
- ALEWIJNSE MARINE GALATI S.A. - electrical work, new construction, at Damen Galati and Damen-Mangalia
- m/v EDT YAM – manufacturing and installation of hydraulic pipelines afloat
- PLASTHIM-T, Aksakovo, Bulgaria – pipe work, welding
- ALPA-ACIER, Gargenville, France – dismounting and installation of new cooling chamber
- LUKOIL-NEFTOCHIM, Burgas, Bulgaria – steel work, pipe work, welding
- KHAN OMURTAG AD, Shumen, Bulgaria – dismounting and installation of new roll gang
- ELKAT S.A., Greece – pipe work and welding in power plant, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- PARTNER JSP, Varna, Bulgaria – pipe work in workshop
- PARTNER JSP, Varna, Bulgaria - DUISBURG, GERMANY - Pipe fitters, steel fitters, welders
- FERRERO ARDENNES, ARLON, BELGIUM – Maintenance - Pipe fitters, welders
- DAMEN SHIPREPAIR BREST, BREST, FRANCE Shiprepair – mechanics, pipe fitters
- Chaudr’ECO, France and Belgium - installation of fire systems (sprinklers)
- INA refinery, Rijeka, Croatia - welders
- m/v CHARM C - mechanical works, overhaul of diesel generator
- HEIDELBERG MATERIALS DEVNYA JSC, Devnya, Bulgaria - outfitting, pipe work
- Tenova SpA, Genova, Italy - construction of chromefree pacivation machine structure
- MK ENERGIES, Catane, Italy - electrical works, cable pulling
n Shipowners-Travelling repair teams:
- Greece: Oceanbulk Maritieme S.A., Eurobulk S.A., Roswell Navigation Corp., Thenamaris Ship, Management Inc., etc. Cosmoship S.A.,Hellas Marine Services SA
- USA: Inmarsat Solutions AS, Inc. MillMack Corporation. Garba Industrial Inc.
- Norway: NV Services A/S, Norwegian Gas Carriers ASA(NGC),Bergesen Worldwide Gas ASA, etc. Teekay Shipping ASA,
- Holland: Kahn Scheepvaart B.V. Confidence Ship Management Co. Multraship (Towage & Salvage)
- Denmark: Pon Power, Scandinava;
- Service and maintenance of floating sheerleg “Cormorant’and towage fleet of Multraship B.V. TerneuzenThe Netherlands
- Service and maintenance of dragging platform, barges of MillMac Corporation in Tampa USA
- Service barge maintenance of FCC Construction – Spain (construction of Danube bridge 2 / VidinKalafat)